Tuesday, March 19, 2013

.:: Kuasa + Poyo ::.


Wah, berhabuk dah vlog kita nin. Hikhik. Rindulah kat kamu. Mualai hari ini, saya namakan blog ini Julia. Sebab apa? Sebab Julia adalah tempat saya conteng-conteng. Wahahaha. Tempat nak tulis benda yang kita rasa kita nak tulis. Tak semua benda kita boleh bagitau kat orang guna molot. So, pepandai la kan?

Hari nak mengeluh sebab penat. Tapi bila tengok status FB yang kita pernak dok update sebelum ni. "Kerja niat kerana ALLAH ." kita tak jadi nak mengeluh. Kita cuma rasa terkilan. Bila kawan yang satu tempat kerja dengan kita bila naik pangkat tembok bongkak mula di bina. Kita taak suka macam tu. KEadaan macam ini buat kita rasa sangat-sangat hipokrit. Kita keluar makan dengan dia tapi hati kita cakap "This is not what I want. I dont like the person in front of me.". I have my own reason. This person, yeah, my senior at my workplace. This person already been promoted to Part Leader. Wah, only part leader of the Senior Executive not the manager yet. Kita tak pernah mengaku kita senior even though kita dah dapat title Senior Executive so far. So, I will ask her everytime I need some clarification. Previously, before this person got promoted, she will help me until the end. Now, once got the title, she just simply give me a face reaction. What is this????

Previously you were my friend & help me as your colleague. Why don't you just answer my question with good manner instead of showing me your freaky damn face? Pernah tak korang buat muka geli pada sesuatu? Camtu la rupa dia ni. Macam kita ni najis je muka dia tu. Padahal kita tanya. I don't have the access to look something for one of our client. Then I just asked her then she informed can. Previously, i still can remember I asked same question to my manager. My manager said cannot.  So she keep on blaming me as I might wrongly update to our client. Owh damn. You don't have the right simply blame me if I got the access. 

OK. Ni dah macam kes mengumpat kan?? But it is not. This is the correct fact. Later on, if you become a manager or someone higher than NORMAL staff, please consider about the rest. You know why our company already lost 11 people within 6 months? Below is the explanation.

See, you are the one who shared this on FB & now you are the one of the shit. So, even you pretend to be our manager since the real manager is not here at least consider about others' feelings. You know what. I am going to quit soon.

Pada yang lain-lain yang baca entry ni, doakan kita ye. 28hb ni kita ada interview. At the same day sebenarnya kimo. Hahaha. Kita saja je mintak interview aritu. Selalu kita lepas kimo pergi kerja balik. Sekarang since ada orang gila kuasa, kita macam tak nak datang office dah. kalau MC kita MC betul-betul. Datang office tapi kita tak buat kierja tapi tengok video. Hahaha. Ini bukan jahat but as a employee, if the doctor give an MC, you have the right to spend it. It doesn't mean that if you come to the office, then you have to do it. You may do it without other 3rd party asking you to do that. Don't be so bossy macha/minachi. Dari ikhlas nak bekerja terus jadi macam malas. Ha kau, malas. 

klah. Nak sambung tengok cerita Korea. Haha, Buat apa nak buat kerja yang esok punya kalau tak ada increment for those ynag buat kerja advanced? Bila tak datang still nak potong gaji. Tata semua. Nanti jumpa lagi. Julia sentiasa ada kat sini. Thanks ye Julia for allwing me to write something on you.

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